
Heart Heroes Preschool

Heart of Riverdale, Klondike Road, Riverdale, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 3M2, Canada


Describe the Chosen Philosophy in the Context of your Program
A Day At Heart Heroes Full Time Preschool. Please check posted updated schedule in preschool entrance

7:30 am to 9 am Arrival time, parent/guardian/caregiver signs in preschooler, updates staff on any concerns, preschooler hangs up their own coat and backpack, puts shoes in their cubby and puts on indoor shoes.
Parent/guardian/caregiver is welcomed to stay and help their preschooler settle in. Join your preschooler playing at their favourite centre. Have some warm connection time before you need to leave.

Child Initiated Centres Time. Preschoolers can choose where they want to play, what they want to create or explore for the morning, with our educators having warm conversations with the preschoolers, asking the preschoolers about their ideas and plans for their play. Preschoolers can move between centres and join other preschoolers in social and creative play.

9:40am Circle time is when we explore our theme, each child will have a chance to share their ideas or knowledge about the theme and help plan what we want to create. We will also sing songs and rhythms and play group games.

10:00am Wash Hands and Snack Time. Healthy Snacks provided. Preschoolers will be supported to clean up their snacks, recycle, and compost.

10:20am Gross motor play in the indoor playground.

11am Fine Arts Programming. Parents will sign a waiver to allow children to attend specialty classes outside the Licensed care area, such as dance studio spaces or musicroom. Scheduling will be adjusted to fit the larger projects that the groups are working on. This schedule will be adjusted during March Break and Summer School holidays based on staff availability.

If no Fine Arts Programming is scheduled this will be another outside play time in our nearby green space or Morley Park.

12:00 Wash hands and Lunch. Healthy Lunch provided. Preschoolers will be supported to clean up their lunch, recycle, and compost.

12:30 pm Quiet time. Preschoolers who need to nap, will enjoy a quiet story and lay on soft mats with blanket and pillow. Older preschoolers will go to the music room and enjoy stories, songs, and quiet games and puzzles.

2pm Centres Play or Speciality classes such as music or dance.

2:30pm Wash Hands and light snack.

2:45pm Gross Motor play or outdoor play. Weather permitting walking to nearby green space or Morley park. Staff will work with small groups of preschoolers to extend speciality programming during gross motor play or support gross motor imaginative play.

3:15pm Pick up: Parents/Guardians/Caregivers sign out their child.
Last pick up 3:30pm
Program Manager's Name:
Cai Krikorian
Centre Phone Number:
Program Mission or Value statement:
A play based preschool with foundational fine arts programming. We view our preschoolers as powerful, creative, full of ideas and capable of being leaders in our program and community.
Number of children licenced for:
Number of Full Time Staff:
Number of Part Time Staff:


Heart of Riverdale, Klondike Road, Riverdale, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 3M2, Canada
Heart of Riverdale, Klondike Road, Riverdale, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 3M2, Canada

More Information

Learning Approach/Philosophy:
  • Reggio
Age categories offered:
  • Pre School
Evening care offered?
Evening care offered?:
Drop-in care offered?
Drop-in care offered?:
Languages Spoken:
  • English
  • Creative Arts
Supported Childcare Program offered?:
Meal program offered?:
Snack program offered?:

Contact the Program